
The rural sustainable development through renewable energy. The case of Romania

    Mirela Ionela Aceleanu Affiliation
    ; Andreea Claudia Șerban Affiliation
    ; Diana Mihaela Țîrcă Affiliation
    ; Liana Badea Affiliation


The study aims to analyze the importance of renewable energy and to assess the progress made by Romania comparing to European Union and to targets set by Community institutions. We consider that both economic issues such as job creation or reduction of import dependency, but also ecological issues including reducing greenhouse gas emissions are important in discussions about renewable energy in rural areas in Romania. By using linear regression it has been identified a strong correlation in Romania, for period 2004–2014, between share of renewable resources in gross final energy consumption and import dependency. Taking into account that energetic independence is a problem of great importance for each country, the paper aims to identify unused renewable energy potential in rural areas and also opportunities for developing renewable energy sector based on the resources that can be exploited with high efficiency, action that will generate economic and social positive effects. Our results reveal that Romania has a high development potential of rural areas using renewable energy because Romania has a high volume of renewable resources (sun, wind, water). Under these circumstances it is necessary to adopt the policies in order to support projects referring to these types of energy.

Keyword : green economy, rural economy, rural development, renewable energy, sustainable development, Romania

How to Cite
Aceleanu, M. I., Șerban, A. C., Țîrcă, D. M., & Badea, L. (2018). The rural sustainable development through renewable energy. The case of Romania. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(4), 1408-1434.
Published in Issue
Aug 14, 2018
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