
Assessing the diffusion of FinTech innovation in financial industry: using the rough MCDM model

    Hsu-Hwa Chang Affiliation
    ; Ming-Tsang Lu Affiliation
    ; Li-Hua Huang Affiliation
    ; Hsiang Fa Ling Affiliation
    ; Yen-Chen Yen Affiliation


We develop a conceptual structure to explore how financial technology (FinTech) innovation is being implemented to deal with vague, inconsistent and ambiguous knowledge in actual world. The structure of this study is built upon the technology, organization, environment (TOE) context, which one uses the concept of multi-criteria estimation to measure the significance of FinTech innovation. We develop an integrated MCDM (multiple criteria decision-making) model through rough set theory help administrators obtain a strategic influence relation map for enhancing performance approaching towards the aspiration value. This model involves three steps: primary, we apply this rough number to define group views which reflect upon experts’ real experiences; second, we use the rough DEMATEL-based ANP-(RDANP) to acquire the rough influential weights and rough influential network relationship map (RINRM) based on this TOE structure and its corresponding attributes; finally, we utilize the rough modified VIKOR with the influence to analyze the gap between the performance value and the aspirated level. The empirical case was originated from financial industry in Taiwan. According to the weighting results the expected benefits, technology integration, and competitive pressure were the most important criteria. Our results also illustrate how FinTech innovation can be used for promoting financial services.

Keyword : financial technology (FinTech) innovation, technology, organization, environment (TOE), rough MCDM (multiple criteria decision-making), rough influential network relationship map (RINRM)

How to Cite
Chang, H.-H., Lu, M.-T., Huang, L.-H., Ling, H. F., & Yen, Y.-C. (2024). Assessing the diffusion of FinTech innovation in financial industry: using the rough MCDM model. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(1), 261–286.
Published in Issue
Feb 23, 2024
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