
Network resilience in the financial sectors: advances, key elements, applications, and challenges for financial stability regulation

    Gang Kou Affiliation
    ; Xiangrui Chao Affiliation
    ; Yi Peng Affiliation
    ; Fan Wang Affiliation


Security against systemic financial risks is the main theme for financial stability regulation. As modern financial markets are highly interconnected and complex networks, their network resilience is an important indicator of the ability of the financial system to prevent risks. To provide a comprehensive perspective on the network resilience of financial networks, we review the main advances in the literature on network resilience and financial networks. Further, we review the key elements and applications of financial network resilience processing in financial regulation, including financial network information, network resilience measures, financial regulatory technologies, and regulatory applications. Finally, we discuss ongoing challenges and future research directions from the perspective of resilience-based financial systemic risk regulation.

Keyword : financial network, network resilience, financial stability regulation, systemic risk

How to Cite
Kou, G., Chao, X., Peng, Y., & Wang, F. (2022). Network resilience in the financial sectors: advances, key elements, applications, and challenges for financial stability regulation. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 28(2), 531–558.
Published in Issue
Mar 28, 2022
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