A criterion utility conversion technique for probabilistic linguistic multiple criteria analysis in emergency management
In multiple criteria decision making (MCDM), the even swaps method uses the relationships of criteria to make trade-offs but the burdens of experts are heavy; the linear programming technique for multidimensional analysis of preference (LINMAP) method cannot deal with the inter-dependencies among criteria but the cognitive burdens of experts are low. Taking the advantages of both these methods, this study proposes a criterion utility conversion (CUC) technique to solve probabilistic linguistic MCDM problems given that the probabilistic linguistic term set (PLTS) can reflect the psychology of experts when making evaluations. The utility conversion process is first proposed based on the marginal utilities of criteria. Then, the criterion preference ratios of experts are refined from the utility conversion process. Based on the criterion preference ratios and the operations of PLTSs, the adjusted probabilistic linguistic expected values of alternatives are calculated. The consistency and inconsistency indexes of alternatives and criteria are defined to set up the linear programming used to work out the criterion preference ratios. An illustration about the selection of emergency logistics supplier is given to validate the proposed method. The comparative analysis indicates the low cognitive burden, high stability, and strong applicability of the proposed method.
First published online 05 July 2021
Keyword : multiple criteria analysis, criterion utility conversion, probabilistic linguistic term set, emergency logistics supplier selection

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