
Two-stage prioritization procedure for multiplicative AHP-group decision making

    Changsheng Lin Affiliation
    ; Gang Kou Affiliation
    ; Yi Peng Affiliation
    ; Fawaz E. Alsaadi Affiliation


In this paper, we propose two-stage prioritization procedure (TSPP) for multiplicative Analytic Hierarchy Process-group decision making (AHP-GDM), which involves determining the group priority vector based on the individual pair-wise comparison matrices (PCMs), simultaneously considering the consensus and consistency of the individual PCMs. The first stage of the TSPP involves checking and revising the individual PCMs for reaching the acceptable consensus and consistency. The second stage of the TSPP involves estimating the group priority vector using Bayesian approach. The main characteristics of the proposed TSPP are as follows: 1) It makes full use of the prior information as well as the sample information during the Bayesian revision of the individual PCMs and the Bayesian estimation of the group priority vector; 2) It ensures that the revised individual PCMs reach the acceptable consensus and consistency; 3) It enriches the aggregation methods for the collective preference in multiplicative AHP-GDM. Finally, two numerical examples are used to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed TSPP by the comparisons with several other methods.

Keyword : group decision making, pair-wise comparison matrix, consensus, consistency, group priority vector

How to Cite
Lin, C., Kou, G., Peng, Y., & Alsaadi, F. E. (2020). Two-stage prioritization procedure for multiplicative AHP-group decision making. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(2), 525-545.
Published in Issue
Feb 27, 2020
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