
Joint discrete approximation of analytic functions by shifts of Lerch zeta-functions

    Antanas Laurinčikas   Affiliation
    ; Toma Mikalauskaitė   Affiliation
    ; Darius Šiaučiūnas   Affiliation


The Lerch zeta-function depends on two real parameters λ and  and, for σ > 1, is defined by the Dirichlet series , and by analytic continuation elsewhere. In the paper, we consider the joint approximation of collections of analytic functions by discrete shifts  with arbitrary 1 and We prove that there exists a non-empty closed set of analytic functions on the critical strip which is approximated by the above shifts. It is proved that the set of shifts approximating a given collection of analytic functions has a positive lower density. The case of positive density also is discussed. A generalization for some compositions is given.

Keyword : approximation of analytic functions, Lerch zeta-functions, space of analytic functions, weak convergence of probability measures

How to Cite
Laurinčikas, A., Mikalauskaitė, T., & Šiaučiūnas, D. (2024). Joint discrete approximation of analytic functions by shifts of Lerch zeta-functions. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 29(2), 178–192.
Published in Issue
Mar 26, 2024
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