
A new approach for Solving a nonlinear system of second-order BVPs

    Taher Amoozad Affiliation
    ; Saeid Abbasbandy Affiliation
    ; Tofigh Allahviranloo Affiliation
    ; Mohsen Rostamy Malkhalifeh Affiliation


In this paper, we introduce a new approach based on the Reproducing Kernel Method (RKM) for solving a nonlinear system of second-order Boundary Value Problems (BVPs) without the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process. What motivates us to use the RKM without the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process is its easy implementation, elimination of the Gram-Schmidt process, fewer calculations, and high accuracy. Finally, the compatibility of numerical results and theorems demonstrates that the Present method is effective.

Keyword : reproducing kernel method, system of second-order boundary value problem, convergence analysis, error analysis

How to Cite
Amoozad, T., Abbasbandy, S., Allahviranloo, T., & Rostamy Malkhalifeh, M. (2024). A new approach for Solving a nonlinear system of second-order BVPs. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 29(4), 669–683.
Published in Issue
Oct 11, 2024
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