
The nexus of big data analytics, knowledge sharing, and product innovation in manufacturing

    Bülent Yildiz Affiliation
    ; Şemsettin Çiğdem Affiliation
    ; Ieva Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė Affiliation
    ; Renata Činčikaitė Affiliation


In today‘s highly competitive business environments, manufacturers face stiff competition. As digital technologies have become more pervasive, many businesses in the manufacturing sector have begun to tap into the potential of big data analytics to gain an edge in their markets. Companies in the manufacturing sector can gain a significant competitive advantage by strategically utilizing big data analytics to uncover profound insights that have the potential to significantly enhance their capabilities in product innovation.

This research delves into communication’s role as a go-between for big data analytics and product innovations’ success at manufacturing firms. The validity and reliability of the measurement scales were first thoroughly examined in this study. The research model was then tested using structural equation modeling and process macro analysis.

The analytical findings unveil those big data analytics exert a pronounced, positive, and statistically significant impact on product innovation performance and information-sharing dynamics. Furthermore, it is discerned that information-sharing exerts a substantial and affirmative influence on the capacity for product innovation. Additionally, it is established that the impact of big data analytics on product innovation performance undergoes moderation by the information-sharing mechanism.

Keyword : big data analytics, product innovation, information sharing, analytics-driven innovation, data analytics in manufacturing, innovation performance

How to Cite
Yildiz, B., Çiğdem, Şemsettin, Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., & Činčikaitė, R. (2024). The nexus of big data analytics, knowledge sharing, and product innovation in manufacturing. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 25(1), 66–84.
Published in Issue
Jan 26, 2024
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