
Evaluation of State aid and its created value for disabled people in Lithuania


Countries facing social issues related to the disabled apply various measures to solve them, including State aid. However, the application of these measures does not always enable them to achieve the goals of state policy or to improve indicators such as the integration of the disabled into the labor market and reduction of social exclusion. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of State aid usage and influence on the implementation of disabled employment policies, this research develops a set of social and economic indicators to reflect the examined issue, allow for the assessment of the situation of the target group, and envisage areas of improvement. To evaluate the impact of State aid on the selected indicators, a simple linear regression analysis is performed. According to our evaluations, we establish that in order for the government to solve problems of poverty by employing disabled people, questions of financial capacity as well as the effectiveness of allowances for the disabled should be addressed. The expected effects of this measure are a growing number of employed disabled people and reduction of poverty and social exclusion among disabled people.

Keyword : State aid, employment of disabled persons, social inclusion, regression analysis, social indicators, economic indicators

How to Cite
Girlevičienė, L., & Kvietkauskienė , A. (2021). Evaluation of State aid and its created value for disabled people in Lithuania . Journal of Business Economics and Management, 22(4), 905-922.
Published in Issue
Jun 2, 2021
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