
The impact of leader power on organizational development: a strategic approach to decision-making


Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of work programs and facilitating accomplishing of organizational goals. This study investigates the intricate relationship between leader power, decision-making, and organizational development. Drawing upon a quantitative approach, a structured questionnaire was administered to 386 civil servants to collect data. The empirical analysis employed the Smart-Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) software to examine the structural equation model. The findings substantiate the proposed model, revealing that decision-making partially mediates the association between leader power and organizational development. Interestingly, the direct effects of leader power and decision-making on organizational development are found to be more significant. These results underscore the paramount significance of effective decision-making and shed light on the nuanced interplay between leader power, the decision-making process, and organizational development.

Keyword : leader power, organizational development, decision-making

How to Cite
Rosita, S., Tialonawarmi, F., & Yacob, S. (2023). The impact of leader power on organizational development: a strategic approach to decision-making. Business: Theory and Practice, 24(2), 557–570.
Published in Issue
Dec 12, 2023
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